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2019 All Star Team, Part Three

    Palmer Johnson All Star Team 2019 TEAM 3 Banner

    Technology Rockstar Award in Service

    Winner: Andrew Bedard, presented by Phil Turnquist and Dan Ramirez

    Andrew Bedard Tech

    As some may know we recently acquired Mill Log. Mergers and acquisitions can be stressful at times. However, our internal teams, and the resources previously with Mill Log made this process significantly easier. But one specific member of the Mill Log team stood out, Andrew Bedard. During our transition meetings his name consistently entered the conversation. His inherent willingness, seeking to understand our processes and software was instrumental during the transition. Whether he was providing system and technology training assistance for his fellow team members, or reaching out to vendors and informing them of the recent change. Andrew Bedard was always willing to help out or learn something new. This trend continues to this day as he continues to excel and assist our end users and customer with any inquiry they may have.

    Service MVP Award

    Winner: Mike Herms, presented by Andy Stehl (Director of Service)

    Mike Herms

    I wanted to take a minute to let everyone know how much we value the contribution that Mike Herms makes in the service department, as well as Palmer Johnson as a whole. When I first got hired, I always heard the name “Professor” get thrown around a lot, now after working with Mike I know why that became his nickname.

    The definition of Professor per Wikipedia “person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences, a teacher of the highest rank. Yes that’s Mike for sure.

    MVP Mike Herms

    Mike has been a dedicated employee at PJ for over 30 years now and has seen a lot over those years. Everyone at PJ recognizes that Mike is the go-to person when other employees need training or a coworker has a question about our products. It’s not JUST the service department that relies on Mike for advice and assistance. When other departments need answers, Mike is the first person they turn to. This says a lot about how Mike’s skills and contribution are viewed by everyone.

    Mike has played a huge part in helping service grow and PJ grow to what it is today. He has the get it done attuited combined with amazing knowledge. This is not something you find every day. It has been a pleasure work with you and learning from you every day.

    Thank you for all you do Mike!

    Service Rookie of the Year Award

    Winner: Steve Long, presented by Andy Stehl (Director of Service)

    Steve Long is our service 2019 “Rookie of the Year.” He joined PJ in June of 2018 (just missed you in Vail) and hasn't stopped providing value for our Santa Fe Springs shop since. He brought with him a wealth of knowledge from his experience at JLG. When Eric heard he was on the market for a fresh start, he and the rest of our service team couldn't wait to bring him on board. From the get go, you could tell he was special. He brings a positive, take on anything attitude to work everyday and never turns down an opportunity to help out in whatever way possible. Even though his experience prior to PJ included very little component work, he quickly took on complete axle rebuilds as that is what was needed in the shop.

    Steve Long

    He has championed the SFS safety effort and also attended twin disc marine training so he can help his marine expert teammates, Vic and Jason whenever needed (although he doesn't fit so great in engine rooms). I asked Eric for a few words and here is what he had to say about Steve: “I knew on the day I first interviewed Steve that he was the type of guy that anyone would want on their Team. At JLG, he quickly moved up the ladder and was eventually promoted to Service Manger of the JLG Southwest Service Center. At PJ, he quickly fit in with the SFS team and has become very versatile moving between component and equipment service. He has even donned a sales hat and helped represent the company at American Rental Association events. Steve has become a key Team Member of the SFS Team and a major asset to the Company. And if you want to see how fast he can run, just bring your pet snake with you if you get a chance to meet him!”

    Rookie Steve Long

    I don't want to speak for Steve but I know he would let you know that he wouldn't be where he is at today without the support and trust of the squad in SFS. BoneCrusher and Fantastic Fox we're instrumental in supporting the team's learning throughout the year by welcoming new teammates, tackling the most challenging jobs that come through the shop and watching over the other fresh faces in SFS, include his carpooling buddy, Pablo “Cowboy Lover” Castro and fellow ROY contender, “Yo” Adrian Mejia I'm sure they will all agree that Steve is well deserving of this award.

    Congrats Steve - keep it up!

    A few words from Steve: "I would like to thank my team out here in SFS. Without the mentoring of Victor, Jason and Ish, I wouldn't have been able to take on the component side of the business and all the challenges that come with it. With the help of Adrian and Pablo, I wouldn't be able to get equipment rolling in and out of the shop doors (literally). Without Marcie, I wouldn't have a guaranteed smiling face to look forward to every day I'm in the shop. And without Eric and Brad "GQ" Borchers giving me the opportunities they have, I wouldn't have even been able to be apart of this family we call PJ and show the company how I can help and what I can do. This was 100% a team effort and I appreciate all the support from them and everyone else. Thank you again and I'm looking forward to many years with the PJ Team."

    Schwarz Award for Service Excellence

    Winner: Barry Parker, presented by Andy Stehl (Director of Service)

    Barry Parker

    At PJ, we pride ourselves in going above and beyond for our customers and being the best at what we do. Each year we will award a Service employee for efforts that go above and beyond to deliver the best customer experience possible. This years Schwarz Award winner is Barry Parker.

    Barry started in 2012 from an automotive background. As with most of us, it took a bit to figure out what all we worked on around here. Quickly gaining knowledge in the operational basics of a transmission and a strong understanding of electrical. It wasn’t much of a hurdle to move up the ladder as a top rebuilder in the company.

    Schwarz Award Barry Parker

    As Barry grew, he expressed an interest in field service and opened opportunity. His willingness to inspect/review any possibility gained PJ awareness in the area. Many times, Barry would be on a large job site and another opportunity request would come forward.

    As a service center, Barry has become our salesman close and far. Numerous no charge service calls to create report and then also an ability to note times and charges when necessary. Now with SalesForce and working remotely, we can quickly grasp field service provided and billing.

    Barry continues to go above and beyond to support our customers in the field and truly be the face of PJ Filed Service.

    Congratulations Barry!

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