24/7/365 Support To Keep You Running

Did you know that Palmer Johnson Power Systems offers 24/7/365 support? We sure do. In the off-highway powertrain business, we know that there are times when our customers need support on weekends, holidays, and after business hours. In urgent unit down situations, we are here to get you back up and running with as little downtime as possible.
We recently had a customer in the dredge business that had a failure to the power take-off on their dredge, shutting down their operation. We received a call at 12PM on a Saturday with this information, and by 3PM that same day a replacement power take-off was loaded on a hot-shot truck and headed to the customer half way across the country. The new power take-off was delivered first thing Monday morning so the customer could get their machine back up and running with minimal downtime.
Whether it’s a holiday, on the weekends, or after hours, we are here to keep you running. Make Palmer Johnson your first call the next time your machine goes down! Call 1-800-341-4334.

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