Another 365 Days of Safety Excellence

Safety: The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
In the Off-Highway Remanufacturing industry, navigating Safety and injuries is a full-time affair. Since 2015 Palmer Johnson Power Systems has put in countless hours and efforts to ensure we are looking out for the health and welfare of our team.

Culture of Safety
We have achieved many milestones over this time, including five years of no lost time off the job due to injury. Achieving another 365 days of no lost-time injuries is no small task. Our commitment to safety was not brushed under the rug after incurring a lost-time injury during the second half of 2020. Since PJ has built a very robust Safety culture over the past six years, we did not have to reinvent the Safety wheel.
Continuous Improvement
PJ focused on continuous improvement. We can always get better! Continuously improving has been in our bloodline for some time now. We reset the safety clock and kept the ball rolling, focusing on individual locations and their individual safety needs. We also engaged with our experts on the floor and identified some areas to clean up and put in some work. So here we are, 365 days later, moving ahead in our Safety journey with a new year of no lost-time injuries.
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