
2020 Palmer Johnson Enterprises All-Star Team

Driving Company Modernization, Adam Becker

Tech Corner
What You Need To Know About Hydraulic PTOs

Diesel Progress Presents Employer of the Year to Palmer Johnson Enterprises

PJ News, Service
Recon Program Expands to Arlington, TX

PJ News, Service
Recon Program Expands to Kansas City

PJ News, Service
We've moved to Sumner, WA!

How We Test Our Cores to Provide Peace of Mind

Palmer Johnson Named Finalist for Diesel Progress Employer of the Year

Palmer Johnson Expands RECON Service and Promotes Susan Schuster

PJ News, Service
5 Years of Safety Excellence

PJ News
Keeping our employees safe (COVID-19/PPE update)

Steve Fisher and Eric "Mo" Mott Join the Palmer Johnson Family of Companies

Lake Michigan Ice Can't Stop Twin Disc MG-540

PJ News
We've Received 1,000 5-Star Reviews!
Tech Corner
What are the types of Mechanical Power Take-Offs?
Brad Borchers Promotion - Vice President

What do you enjoy most about your role at PJ? Customer Service Edition