Congrats Freemyer

Congrats Freemyer Industrial Pressure, LP
Our Oil & Gas Team had the pleasure of working with Freemyer Industrial Pressure, LP to apply the Twin Disc 7600 power shift transmission into their new frac pump application. This new rig will support well servicing in the Permian Basin area of Texas. This amazing project was brought to life with thoughtful collaboration between Freemyer, Twin Disc and Palmer Johnson. Our knowledgeable market team is here to assist with every step of your project.

“The support we received from Palmer Johnson and Twin Disc engineering allowed Freemyer Industrial Pressure, LP to seamlessly integrate the latest Twin Disc 7600 Pressure Test Mode technology into our AR380 Controller for ease of user operation. It allows the user to enter an Intensity Level for pressure testing unique due to no converter on the transmission. The AR380 Controller along with Twin Disc Pressure Test Mode allowed this process to be automated and enable a two (2) step approach for Pressure Testing – Maximum Pressure and Maximum Volume.” Greg Leos – Vice President
Twin Disc replacement of Allison 9800
Learn more about how to replace your Allison 9800 Series Transmission with a Twin Disc Series Transmission. You will be glad you did!
PJ West Texas
In addition to working on this great application for Freemyer, PJ Power is now servicing the West Texas area. Our newest service center located in Odessa, TX is fully operational. Contact us today to learn more. Odessa, TX
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